It has been said when you live your passion that is when you will be most energised and happiest.
Ever since I was little I enjoyed being creative - spending time doodling and day dreaming. I had dreams of being an artist, a jeweller, anything that allowed me to express my creative self.
As I became an adult, I put my dreams aside to get a 'real' job, to please others in my life. I still dabbled with my painting, drawing and other creative outlets yet never backed myself to pursue them as a career.
The more I talked to people, the more I heard similar stories. Stories about people who have lost their connection to what makes their soul sing and are not living their best creative life. That is why I named my business ReconnectNZ, it is a reminder to me of reconnecting to what is important to me, what inspires me and living my true purpose authentically.
Now in my 50s I have taken the leap and started my creative business . I am finally living my childhood dream.
I have called my business ReconnectNZ because it was important to me to reconnect with who I was as a child, to find the passion, the innocence, the eagerness and the creativity. To remember all that had my heart sing, my essence and where I came from. To forget all the negative thoughts, the doubt, the worrying about what others thought and back myself 100%.
As an artist, across many mediums including jewellery making, I am fascinated with the layers and moods of nature. How there are hidden depths that we do not see. It reminds me of how people’s exterior is not always what is hidden inside. They too have layers and depth, showing a mood that is not necessarily how they truly feel.
My paintings are built up in layers, you do not see those layers yet they add depth, texture, and interest to the overall piece. I play with words, colours and textures building up the layers so they are hidden. Once the top layer is applied, I then scratch into the paint to reveal glimpses of the previous layers as part of the process of developing the depth & meaning of the piece. As humans we also reveal glimpses of what is hidden underneath, not giving the full story of the mood we are in. Yet we all have layers that have been built up over our life, some we share with certain people. Yet others are hidden deep. and unless we dive deep, we are not always aware of them and how they impact on us. My current series is exploring how the ocean is a metaphor for our own pain, joy, sorrow, celebration and how we don’t share that with everyone. Yet, maybe we should for us to live as authentically as we can, live our purpose and surround ourselves with love and joy.
My current jewellery collections have a connection with the ocean and water. The layers and textures found within our oceans, along our coastlines and in the animals and plants that live in and around the water fascinates me. I try to honour that in my work, whether it is using items found during my many hours of beach combing or replicating the patterns and textures. Each piece of jewellery is made with that connection in mind and is designed to be a piece of wearable art.
It is a privilege and joy, as part of my creative journey, to share my creativity and passion while encouraging others to pursue their own passions so they can live their best life without worry.
One way of doing that is to open my studio to others wanting to explore their inner creative through workshops, sharing sessions and playing creatively. I will also be posting blogs on creativity and exploring ones passions. I hope you enjoy.
AND it is true when you live your passion energy and happiness follows. It makes my soul sing to spend my days creating art and jewellery.